Death, and its accompanying sense of loss, grief and anguish, poses an intense challenge to the spiritual and psychological state of mind of the bereaved.
Our practices at Bet-Olam Jewish Funerals are grounded in the unshakable belief in the sanctity of human life, the dignity of the person who has died, and the emotional, spiritual and practical needs of the mourners.
Traditionally, we believe that human-kind is created ‘in the image of God’ (b’tzelem elohim – Genesis 1:27) and we are, therefore, mandated to have respect for the deceased and also the body of the deceased. This is called k’vod ha-met and is the guiding principal for Jewish burial and mourning customs.
As there is a significant variety of customs within the Jewish community, this guide is designed to provide explanations and information. Its purpose is to assist in understanding the customs and traditions of the Jewish people and to help provide an appropriate funeral for loved ones with the greatest respect and dignity.
The following links offer some guidance to help mourners onto the road of healing, a section specifically intended to help those who have lost a child and some suggestions as to how to help and support children through their own grief whilst the rest of the family deals with their loss: