An important benefit of belonging to one of our congregations is that Bet-Olam, as well as your Rabbi and community, are there for you.
Do not hesitate to call or email, to attend services, community activities, or simply to reach out and make contact with us. The Rabbi will arrange time to see you should you wish to make contact. If you seek longer-term counselling, the Rabbi may also be able to recommend someone appropriate to your needs.
Suggestions For Further Reading
Mourning and Mitzvah
Brenner, Anne (Jewish Lights Publishing, 2nd edition, 2001)
The Jewish Way in Death and Mourning
Lamm, Maurice (Jonathan David, revised 2000 – orthodox perspective)
Saying Kaddish
Diamant, Anita (Schocken, 1999)
When Bad Things Happen to Good People
Kushner, Harold (Avon, reissue 1997)
The Orphaned Adult
Angel, Mark (Jason Aaronson, 1997)
Living with Loss, Healing with Hope
Grollman, Earl (Beacon Press, 2001)
What Happens After I Die
Sonsino, Rifat; Syme Daniel (UAHC, 1990)
The Kaddish Minyan: From Pain to Healing: Twenty Personal Stories
When a Grandparent Dies: A Kid’s Own Workbook for Dealing with Shiva and the Year Beyond
A Time to Mourn, a Time to Comfort: A Guide to Jewish Bereavement (The Art of Jewish Living)
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